4 Modernized Functions Every Sponsor Needs for Study Startup
This white paper outlines four technology capabilities sponsors need to expedite the study startup process.
Collaborating with Research Sites: Best Practices for Site Selection and Study Startup
Key strategies for successful research study startup: site selection, documentation, and effective initiation.
Key Efficiencies Driven by a Clinical Trial Management System
Find out how sites can get the most value from their clinical trial management system (CTMS) to streamline operations.
Reducing Site Burden Throughout Study Startup
Learn strategies to streamline workflows across sites and sponsors, and explore success stories on how to reduce site burden.
Patient Recruitment from a Site Perspective: Technology Meeting Today’s Challenges
Discover how CTMS streamlines patient recruitment & management for successful clinical trials.
University of Nebraska Medical Center Streamlines Regulatory Management and Accelerates Study Startup with Advarra eReg
Learn how Advarra eReg helps UNMC support remote monitoring and how eReg helped address prevalent challenges in clinical research.
eReg Benefits for Clinical Research: Use Cases for all Types of Sites
Using an eRegulatory system can benefit any site, helping to increase productivity, improve compliance, and save money.
Strategies for End-user Adoption
Learn about potential solutions to help you create new adoption strategies, materials, and build training to optimize end-user acceptance.
Trend Report: 2023 Trends Impacting Clinical Research
This report defines 2023 clinical research trends and provides an outlook for the industry moving forward.
Developing and Implementing a Successful eConsent Process
As the industry continues to shift from brick-and-mortar trials to more convenient hybrid formats, eConsent proves to be useful.
Why Now is the Right Time to Adopt eConsent
A valuable tool for both sites and participants, now is the right time for sites to adopt an eConsent platform.
Investigating Enrollment Reliability with the Longboat Platform
Download the case study to learn if the Longboat Platform helps sites more accurately set and reach their patient recruitment targets.