FWAs Part 2: Managing a Federalwide Assurance and IRB Registration
Join Advarra’s regulatory experts in another discussion of institutional and IRB responsibilities and dig deeper into the FWA topic.
IRB Review of Phase I Research: Balancing Ethics and Efficiency
Find out how to address Phase I research challenges to enable efficient IRB review and timely study startup.
Ethical Issues in the Design and Review of Decentralized Research
This white paper aims to provide a framework to understand ethical issues and steps to take in deploying a decentralized trial
Beginner’s Guide to Independent Asset Reviews
Learn more about independent asset reviews and how they can enhance research operations.
James Riddle and Barbara Schneider Delve into the Different Players Involved in Reviewing Clinical Research
In this podcast episode, we discuss the different clinical research oversight committees and functions to ensure the safety of participants.
Why it is Critical to Have and Enforce a Data Strategy?
Understand a data strategy's role in clinical research and how enforcing one will benefit your studies.
Do You Have Appropriate Oversight? Understanding the Role of DSMBs
Take a look at the role and function of independent DMCs from charter creation through interim data analysis to prepare your next trial.
Optimizing a Clinical Development Program to Improve ROI
As a clinical trial moves through phases, how does the return on investment benefit study design and the program overall?
Steps to Implementing a Quality Management System
This white paper outlines the full implementation process of a quality management system and how to avoid conflict by focusing on quality.
IRB Review of Social Media Recruitment and Retention Programs
Explore how existing regulations can establish best practices in using social media for clinical research participant recruitment.
End-to-End Approach to Clinical Development
Download our white paper for practical strategies for enhancing innovation, efficiency, and talent development in clinical research.
The Value of Early Engagement with Your IRB
How clinical research sponsors can make the most of their relationship with IRB partners to make research operations flow smoother