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4 Unique Challenges of Oncology Trials

Oncology research is unique in many ways, including the challenges researchers face in conducting cutting-edge trials.

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Oncology Innovations and Other Trending Topics from IRB Experts

Join colleagues from NCI-designated cancer centers to discuss the unique ways oncology has pioneered clinical trial advancements.

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Unique Ethical Issues in Phase I Oncology Studies

An essential step in research, Phase I oncology studies raise unique ethical challenges for sponsors, investigators, and IRBs.

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Q&A – The New Urgency of Clinical Trials: How Oncology Leads the Evolution

How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed oncology research--and research in general? Read more for the follow-up blog to our recent symposium:

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How Oncology Research Is Advancing Better Research

Innovations in oncology have sparked advancements in the clinical trial industry and empowered COVID-19 research. Read more:

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Virtual Symposium: Gene Therapy Research in the Age of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has brought genetic research to the forefront. To address emerging issues, Advarra presents its first virtual symposium. Read more:

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The Future of Phase I Oncology Studies

Oncology drugs in phase I trials are usually conducted on patients with cancer due to their inherent risk. Advarra IRB member Ran Goldman expands:

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