Multiple Dynamic Endpoints and the Role of Endpoint Adjudication Committees in Clinical Trials
Trial designs incorporating multiple endpoints to support efficacy are receiving increased focus from the FDA, including a recently published guidance.
Understanding how to Build and Leverage a DSMB Statistical Plan
Find out about the DSMB statistician’s roles, how study design can impact DSMB analysis, and what goes into a DSMB statistical plan.
What is a Quality IRB Review?
Measuring IRB quality is often an effort to determine whether an IRB’s actions improve research participant protections.
Trend Report: 2023 Trends Impacting Clinical Research
This report defines 2023 clinical research trends and provides an outlook for the industry moving forward.
Privacy Regulations Impact on Global Clinical Trial Endpoint Adjudication
Endpoint adjudication committees must keep up with rapidly developing requirements as they receive potentially identifiable research data.
Analyzing 1,000+ Study Startup Records for Recruitment Performance with Advarra Study Collaboration solutions
Download the case study to learn if the Longboat Platform helps sites more accurately set and reach their patient recruitment targets.
Beginner’s Guide to Budget Negotiation
Proper trial financing ensures internal costs are covered, facilitates better negotiation, and leads to higher compliance in trials.
Top Biotech Achieves Recruitment and Improves Compliance Across 30 Sites
Find out how the Longboat Platform ensured not only recruitment success, but site and participant support and compliance.
Rare and Orphan Diseases in Regulated Development
In this webinar, gain an in-depth understanding of regulatory and clinical development challenges for rare/orphan diseases.
Beginner’s Guide to Single IRB Mandates
More governing bodies are starting to opt for single institutional review board (sIRB) review as a way to streamline research operations.
Regulatory Trends in Cell and Gene Therapies
Recent signals have indicated the FDA plans to provide greater support for cell and gene therapy research.
Understanding FDA’s Draft Guidance on Ethical Considerations for Involving Children in Clinical Trials
Until the 1980s, children were excluded from research studies. Now, FDA provides draft guidance on ethically including kids in trials.