
Make consenting simple

Reduce Audit Findings While Increasing the Quality of Your Consent Process

Advarra eConsent helps your site reduce audit risk and keep participants engaged, while tracking consenting progress across your portfolio. eConsent is available as a module within Advarra’s eRegulatory Management System

Reduce Audit Findings While Increasing the Quality of Your Consent Process

Advarra eConsent helps your site reduce audit risk and keep participants engaged, while tracking consenting progress across your portfolio. eConsent is available as a module within Advarra’s eRegulatory Management System

Streamline Participant Engagement and Consent

Boost Engagement and Enrollment 

Offer participants and staff a seamless, user-friendly experience. Guided form templates simplify the process, allow participants to use any device, and don’t require a system-specific login, improving accessibility and engagement.

Efficiency and Compliance

Use standardized, 21 CFR Part 11 and HIPAA-compliant workflows with full audit trails to ensure compliance. Easily set up secure, remote monitoring sessions for internal monitors and sponsors, streamlining oversight and reducing the risk of errors.

Integrate Across Your Site

Integrate eConsent with Advarra’s CIRBI platform to ensure your team uses the latest informed consent forms. eConsent is also part of Advarra’s eReg system, which connects with Clinical Conductor and OnCore CTMS platforms.   

Paper vs eConsent

No Comparison

Paper vs eConsent

No Comparison

A Purpose-built Clinical Research Cloud Platform

A Purpose-built Clinical Research Cloud Platform

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