On-demand Webinar

What Happens When a Study Fails to Meet Its Recruitment Targets?

When reviewing research, should IRBs consider the ability of researchers to hit their stated enrollment targets?

IRB review helps ensure risks to clinical trial participants are reasonable and appropriately minimized. But if resources are insufficient to hit enrollment targets (or inclusion criteria so tight it reasonably precludes full enrollment), then are risks really minimized?

Watch this webinar for a thought-provoking discussion of why studies don’t meet enrollment targets and what IRBs might do about it.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the regulatory criteria for IRB approval
  • Describe how low enrollment might fit into IRB responsibilities
  • Identify ways to overcome the most common enrollment barriers

James Riddle


Senior Vice President, Global Review Operations, Advarra

Luke Gelinas


Senior IRB Chair Director, Advarra

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