By the Numbers: Our Response to COVID-19
We are honored to support a resilient research community during the COVID-19 pandemic. See the data points below, watch the video, and download our info sheet to find out how Advarra helps keep research moving forward.
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Advarra’s COVID-19 Response by the Numbers
IRB and IBC Support
- 100% Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Trials supported by Advarra’s IRB and IBC
- IRB reviewed 429 COVID-19 protocols across over 2,500 sites
- IBC reviewed 76 COVID-19 submissions
- First COVID-19 protocol submission received: 2/11/20
- Reviews conducted for Phase I-IV plus observational data and collection research
- Free transfers of IRB oversight to keep research moving despite pandemic restrictions: 116 studies, over 500 sites
- IRB average turnaround from submission to review: 1-2 business days
- IBC average turnaround from submission to review: 4-5 business days
Research Administration Support
- Remote audits conducted worldwide: 125 across 5 continents
- Staff augmentation: 20+ experts deployed to support organizations, some in response to layoffs & furloughs
- COVID study calendars built for OnCore customers: 179
- Average study calendar turnaround time: 1 business day
- Advarra eRegulatory management system: supported 3,187 users; 239,435 documents; 84,752 signatures; 1,100 review sessions; 1,804 protocols
Free Educational Resources
- COVID-related webinars and virtual events: 9 and reached 15,000+ research professionals
- eLearning tool downloads: 669
- COVID-centric blog posts: 21
Ask Advarra
Launched March 16, 2020, Ask The Experts was the first free source for direct information on IRB, IBC, and regulatory concerns related to COVID-19 and research.
- Target time from question submission to response: 24 hours
- Questions answered same day as submission: 90%
- Questions answered: 655 and counting
Coronavirus Guidance
Our Coronavirus Guidance webpages provide timely information and explanations about pandemic-related research changes, regulatory guidance updates, and other critical resources. Popular questions from Ask Advarra are posted to the Coronavirus Guidance so that all may benefit.
- Research professionals helped: over 20,500
- Subscribers to weekly email updates: 425
- Frequency of updates: weekly
- Versions of Advarra’s Coronavirus Guidance Page: 22
- Email updates sent: Approximately 7,000
- Topics covered: 30
- Worldwide regulatory and other resources cited: 16
- Health Canada
- VA
- Agency of Medicines
- EC
- Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco
Data accurate as of October 2020.