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Six Key GDPR Questions to Review

May 1, 2019

Questions still remain about GDPR and its applications. Have you considered these six key questions to ask within your organization?


Top Clinical Research Metrics for 5 Critical Questions

November 16, 2021

Tracking your research program's operational performance has many benefits. View this infographic for metrics to answer key questions.


Embracing Changes to the Clinical Research Workforce

April 24, 2023

In this episode, we discuss workforce challenges in the clinical research industry and the impact of the great resignation.


Integration Update: Revised FAQ for Advarra Merger Efforts

March 5, 2018

Since November 2017, the Advarra team (formerly Chesapeake IRB and Schulman IRB) has been working to integrate our process and policies. We are committed to being transparent throughout this integration, so we've assembled the following FAQ to keep you updated.


Revised Common Rule Compliance Now in Full Effect—and What That Means

January 20, 2020

The Revised Common Rule is here after multiple delays, exceptions, and many training sessions. As of January 20, 2020, this regulation is in full effect.


Clinical Trials Day: Thanking the Unsung Heroes

May 20, 2020

On Clinical Trials Day, now more than ever, it’s important to recognize and thank those unsung heroes at the focal point of research: research sites and institutions. Read more:


Best Practices in Pre-Screening Includes Use of Technology

June 15, 2022

Explore the benefits of pre-screening potential participants before they move on to the informed consent process.


Retention in Clinical Trials: Keeping Patients on Protocols

March 23, 2021

Learn about patient retention in clinical trials including average dropout rates, why study volunteers withdraw, and solutions for better retention.


Clinical Trial Technology Solutions for Sites

Learn about our standards-based technology solutions for research administration, clinical data management, and clinical trial management.


Vendor Qualification vs Requalification Audits: What’s the Difference?

July 29, 2020

Audits to support your vendor qualification and management program should be conducted using a risk-based approach. Read more:


All Technology Solutions

Next-generation technology solutions that automate, streamline, and expedite processes across the clinical trial lifecycle.