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Advarra Announces Appointment of Steven Buonaiuto as Chief Financial Officer

December 1, 2020

Advarra Announces Appointment of Steven Buonaiuto as Chief Financial Officer Appointment strengthens leadership team, bringing deep expertise in financial and...


Advarra Announces New Early Phase Center of Excellence

September 1, 2021

Wide-ranging suite of services and solutions support the unique needs of early phase research (Columbia, MD.) – Advarra, the premier...


Solutions For BioPharma and Medical Technology

Solutions focused on helping emerging and mid-sized biotechnology, pharmaceutical, & medical technology companies with development


Advarra Receives Full AAHRPP Reaccreditation Following First Remote Site Visit During Pandemic

July 30, 2020

The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) has awarded the Advarra institutional review board (IRB) full reaccreditation. As part of the reaccreditation process, AAHRPP conducted its first-ever completely remote site visit due to the COVID-19 pandemic with Advarra.

Info Sheet

Advarra’s Clinical Research Staffing Solutions

September 25, 2023

We provide qualified clinical research professionals who can fill critical interim roles to integrate into your research activities.


When Do I Need an EAC?

May 4, 2022

View this infographic to learn when do you need an endpoint adjudication committee (EAC) and what types of studies an EAC reviews.

Info Sheet

IRB Services: Canadian Review

November 2, 2023

Advarra’s Canadian review service combines local, expert oversight with streamlined processes and the most extensive site reach in Canada.


Bloomberg Law Features Advarra Chief Compliance Officer on New Ethics for Fitbit Data

September 2, 2019

Advarra Chief Compliance Officer and Institutional Official Michele Russell Einhorn was recently featured in Bloomberg Law on Your Fitbit Data Means New Ethics Conundrums for Clinical Trials.


Advarra VP of Institutional Services & Strategic Consulting Contributes Virtual Trial Regulatory Perspectives to InSite

December 20, 2019

Advarra Vice President of Institutional Services & Strategic Consulting James Riddle contributed to InSite, The Global Journal for Clinical Research Sites in the article Site Solutions Summit Reflections: A Regulatory Look into Virtual Trials.

White Paper

The Critical Role Sites Play in the Evolution of Clinical Trials

October 26, 2020

Drawing on the perspectives of experts from Parexel and Advarra, this white paper explores the evolving role of technology in clinical research and its impact on research sites and study conduct.


Ethical and Practical Concerns About IRB Restrictions on the Use of Research Data

November 13, 2020

Judith Carrithers co-authored the article Ethical and Practical Concerns About IRB Restrictions on the Use of Research Data in Ethics & Human Research.


IRB-Connect Video

August 4, 2017

IRB-Connect allows seamless access for your data from Advarra's Center for IRB Intelligence (CIRBI) Platform to your eTMF.