Advarra Releases Significant SiteIQ Product Enhancement to Increase Visibility into Site Capabilities

New insights into site capacity and safety resources improve site feasibility evaluations and decision-making for organizations seeking to conduct clinical research.

(COLUMBIA, MD.) – Advarra, the market leader in regulatory review solutions, clinical site technologies, and research quality and compliance consulting services, today announced the release of Site Capability Insights within its SiteIQ™ platform to mitigate risk and enable faster study startup.

This latest release builds on existing insights available within SiteIQ™, including site experience, capacity, quality, performance, and patient availability. Specifically, the new Site Capability Insights expands on existing site-specific information to include greater detail on local facilities, including attributes such as emergency services available, and unique trial experience such as electronic consent (eConsent) and decentralized clinical trials (DCTs).

As clinical trial protocols and procedures increase in complexity, including the adoption of decentralized approaches, it is increasingly essential to investigate which potential research sites have access to the appropriate patient population and which can protect and engage them based on the study’s requirements.

“The Advarra team continues to advance safer, smarter, and faster research by expanding the information available to organizations seeking to conduct clinical research, helping them make more informed decisions,” said JV Rao, Vice President of Data Sciences at Advarra. “By leveraging visibility into site capabilities, sponsors and CROs can more precisely identify and qualify the best sites for their study, accelerating site selection, qualification, and study startup, and reducing site burden in answering site questionnaires.”

Advarra SiteIQ™ delivers insights to drive faster study startup by supporting protocol planning and site selection processes. SiteIQ™ informs intelligent site selection by leveraging comprehensive data across experience, capacity, quality, performance, and patient eligibility. Data is derived from Advarra’s first-party data as well as third-party partner data. As such, SiteIQ™ reflects insights based on actual study, site, and performance data, not estimates or self-reported information.

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