Beginner’s Guide to Human Research Protection Programs
Human research protection programs (HRPPs) play a critical role in protecting the rights, safety, and welfare of research participants. A
Human research protection programs (HRPPs) play a critical role in protecting the rights, safety, and welfare of research participants. A
As research institutions are designing studies and recruiting participants for them, they must maintain compliance and ensure their study is
Single IRB (sIRB) review streamlines oversight for multisite trials, reducing administrative burdens while ensuring participant protections across all sites.
Gene therapy research is at the forefront of a coming boom in the clinical setting. Understand the growth, risks, and regulatory requirements here.
Sites can improve data capture, management, and compliance using a site-centric eSource or EDC platform, supporting smoother workflows, remote monitoring, and efficient data analysis.
Clinical trials involving investigational in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices are subject to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) investigational device
When unexpected events occur during the conduct of a clinical trial, research personnel may wonder if the event is reportable,
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a letter outlining routine costs in clinical trials for patients eligible
Each clinical trial phase builds on the last, from initial safety to post-market studies, ensuring treatments are safe, effective, and beneficial for patients.
Oncology trials face unique hurdles in innovation, enrollment, and endpoints, requiring strategic planning to address complex study demands and precision needs.
This blog explores how research sites are focusing on their institutional biosafety committee (IBC) programs as part of overall study activation time.
Gene therapy research requires both IRB and IBC oversight—while IRBs protect participants, IBCs ensure community and environmental safety with local site-specific reviews.