Q&A – Study Startup Success for the New Generation of Genetically Engineered Vaccines

In a recent webinar, Advarra Executive Director of Biosafety Services Daniel Eisenman discussed the latest trends in genetically modified vaccine and immunotherapy studies. He also explored unique startup challenges for studies involving investigational products that contain engineered genetic materials. Due to time constraints he wasn’t able to answer all audience questions during the Q&A period, so he has answered some of the most popular questions in this blog.

Is GDPR Coming to the US? CCPA and Its Impact on Research

Remember on the older The Price Is Right game shows with Bob Barker, when the announcer would describe to the contestant they could win “a brand-new car!” and then proceed to describe the car? Part of the description was always that the car had “and California emissions.” Why was that? What was so special about California? Turns out the state of California had different, more restrictive, pollution rules from the rest of the country; and if you wanted to sell cars in California you had to meet the California standards. It was difficult for car manufacturers to produce cars separate just for California, so eventually the country normalized on one standard, which looked a lot like the original California emissions standard.

Q&A – The New Urgency of Clinical Trials: How Oncology Leads the Evolution

In Advarra’s recent virtual symposium, experts from industry and academia met to discuss how oncology research has influenced agility in clinical trial design, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists talked about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted oncology research and propelled the field’s groundbreaking contributions to research. They also explored ways the pandemic response has shaped the future of oncology research—and research in general.

IRB Review of Virtual Trial Technologies

Our webinar proved so popular, we thought a deeper dive would be appropriate. In this post we explore some key issues IRBs face when reviewing research involving virtual trial technology.

Q&A – Site and Patient Engagement

CEO Gadi Saarony and Deb Tatton, Parexel Senior Vice President of Global Clinical Operations, consider ways to improve site and patient engagement in this Fireside Chat Q&A blog part 2.

Q&A – The Evolving Role of Technology

In this Fireside Chat Q&A blog , CEO Gadi Saarony and Deb Tatton, Parexel Senior Vice President of Global Clinical Operations, share perspectives on technology’s evolving role in clinical research.

Vendor Qualification vs Requalification Audits: What’s the Difference?

Different types of audits can be performed to support your vendor qualification and management program. These audits should be conducted using a risk-based approach. In this blog, we outline the difference between these types of audits and how to identify vendors that have the most potential risk for your program.

The Opioid Crisis in America

The opioid crisis in particular is staggering in the number of lives it has claimed. Combating the crisis requires urgent, evidence-based approaches that addresses clinical, research, and education issues.

Introducing Fireside Chats: Conversations On Burning Research Topics

Advarra is excited to introduce Fireside Chats, a series of virtual conversations discussing current issues in clinical trials. Each Fireside Chat brings together perspectives from across the research community, enabling real-time discussion of contemporary challenges and potential solutions to help make research altogether better.

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