clinical research

The Value of Clinical Research

Clinical research drives medical progress. Advarra ensures participant safety and ethical standards through expert IRB oversight for life-changing therapies.

Reporting to the IRB: Investigator Noncompliance

We often get questions about exactly what events should be reported to the IRB. We understand that “reportable events” can be tricky: some “events” are specifically referenced in the regulations, but lack a definition; some are covered in regulatory guidance documents; and some are “industry standard” that are neither an IRB regulation or IRB best practice/guidance. In this blog, we’ll look at what the regulations do and do not say about IRB reporting requirements and how Advarra has addressed some of the undefined “gray areas.”

Your Guide to sIRB Mandates

In the past few years, new regulations and policies have been announced and implemented to address the challenges of conducting clinical trials involving multiple research sites. Chief among these requirements is the use of a designated sIRB for multisite research.

Making a Case for Interim HRPP Staffing

As much as we hate to admit it, many of us have been there…that moment when we suddenly realize “Oh no. I need to fill an HRPP position YESTERDAY. Help!”

Introducing Fireside Chats: Conversations On Burning Research Topics

Advarra is excited to introduce Fireside Chats, a series of virtual conversations discussing current issues in clinical trials. Each Fireside Chat brings together perspectives from across the research community, enabling real-time discussion of contemporary challenges and potential solutions to help make research altogether better.

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