The Powerful Potential of Open Collaboration
Explore key takeaways from the Consortium’s first in-person meeting at the Onsemble Conference and welcome new members.
Reuniting and Reconnecting at the 2022 Onsemble Conference
The 2022 Onsemble Conference provided an opportunity for attendees to reconnect in person and collaborate to move research forward.
mRNA Clinical Trials: Key Regulatory Considerations
Responses to the most frequently asked questions regarding mRNA technology and clinical trial regulatory requirements.
Clinical Endpoint Adjudication Committees: Not Just for “Endpoints”
This blog outlines critical events where EACs are used to look at more than just “endpoints” in clinical research.
A Look at the Processes Behind Clinical Endpoint and Event Adjudication
Take a closer look at how and why we leverage proprietary, custom, and intelligent technology in our EAC program
A Journey in Support of Diversity
Advarra's Sergio Armani introduces ACRP's Ride for Diversity program and why it's important to him personally and to the research community.
The Impact of Digital Transformation in Clinical Trials
Explore what digital acceleration means for clinical research and how Advarra views digital transformation in the industry.
Why Device, Diagnostic, and Digital Therapeutic Research Needs Endpoint Adjudication
This blog outlines when a device clinical trial sponsor should engage an EAC or CEC to provide specific medical expertise & safety oversight.
Understanding the EU Clinical Trials Regulations Updates
The new European Union regulations have significant implications for sponsors submitting trials in the EU.
Improving Regulatory Workflows in Study Startup
This newsletter outlines the Consortium's efforts to improve regulatory workflows in study startups.
Addressing Research Technology Challenges to Gain Sponsor Buy-in
Encouraging site-owned technology platforms enables site staff to produce their best work, increasing the likelihood of a study’s success.
Considerations for IRB Review: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Read this blog to learn IRB review considerations for artificial intelligence and machine learning studies.