Most Popular Blogs of 2019

December 18, 2019

As we near the end of 2019, let’s take a look back at the blogs that generated the most interest this year from readers like you.

Look back over 2019 with the top 5 most-read blogs of the year. Not surprisingly, hot topics like the revised Common Rule and perennially tricky topics like reporting to the IRB led the pack in 2019.

  1. Reporting to the IRB: What NOT to Report

We get it: reporting requirements are not always straightforward. That’s why in 2019 we got the facts from our IRB experts to demystify IRB reporting requirements, explaining what the regulations do and do not say and how Advarra addresses some of the undefined “gray areas.”

In addition to this popular blog, we also published pieces on investigator noncompliance and UADEs, and a late 2018 blog on SAEs kicked off the series.

  1. Quality Improvement Project vs Human Subject Research: What’s the Difference?

It’s not always easy to determine whether a project should be defined as quality improvement (QI) or if it truly is research involving human subjects. In this blog, we provide practical tools to help you appropriately categorize projects that don’t seem obviously one or the other at first glance.

  1. Informed Consent Changes in the Revised Common Rule

With most of the revised Common Rule taking effect in January 2019, we provided the research community with resources to assist with the transition. Read our recommendations on incorporating informed consent changes, including the new “key information” section and new consent elements related to identifiable private information and biospecimens.

  1. Can Ethics Review Catch Up to the CBD Craze?

Research on cannabidiol, or CBD, is complicated for a variety of reasons and remains largely inaccessible to most US researchers. However, the lack of IRB-reviewed research hasn’t stopped CBD consumers. Read our take on the current challenges surrounding CBD research.

  1. Six Key GDPR Questions to Review

While the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in May 2018, many international organizations remain uncertain about how it might apply to them. We outline key questions to help you determine where your organization fits within the GDPR framework.

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