Revised Common Rule Compliance Now in Full Effect—and What That Means

By: Stephanie Pyle, Director of Communications and Design

January 20, 2020

After multiple delays, exceptions, and oh-so-many training sessions, on January 20, 2020, we reached the last remaining compliance milestone for the final revisions to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (“revised Common Rule”).

The Final Rule published in the Federal Register on January 19, 2017 (82 FR 7149), finalized the regulatory revisions, which seek to “modernize, simplify, and make more effective the current system of oversight” for clinical trials. Wondering what this all means for your research? Advarra’s got you covered with a variety of resources:

Still not sure what to do about the revised Common Rule? Advarra’s dedicated revised Common Rule experts have years of experience helping the research community understand and implement these changes to the way we conduct and oversee research. Contact us for customized support.

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