Stephanie Pyle
Latest Posts by Stephanie Pyle

Impact of sIRB Mandates on Study Teams
As sIRB mandates reshape the clinical trial landscape, study teams must navigate unique challenges while...
SAE Reporting and the IRB: Adverse Events in Drug Studies
Assessing and reporting adverse events (AEs) in clinical trials is critical to ensuring the study...
4 Unique Challenges of Oncology Trials
Oncology trials face unique hurdles in innovation, enrollment, and endpoints, requiring strategic planning to address...
Does Warp Speed Vaccine Development and Testing Compromise Safety?
A common trope in sci-fi movies involves concerns about potentially smashing into uncharted objects while...
Read More...Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Ongoing Research and Protocols Under Advarra IRB Review
Advarra has policies and processes in place to keep IRB operations functioning as normal during...
Read More...IRB Review of Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Research: Issues to Consider
In this blog we discuss unique issues that research involving emerging infectious diseases like coronavirus...
Read More...NWABR Appoints Advarra Executive James Riddle to Board of Directors
The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR) has appointed James Riddle, Advarra VP of Institutional...
Read More...Revised Common Rule Single IRB Mandate Now Effective
Compliance with the single IRB mandate for cooperative research, as outlined in the revised Common...
Read More...NIH Decision Tool Updated to Incorporate Revised Common Rule
NIH has updated its human subjects research decision tool to reflect changes brought about by...
Read More...Updated IRB Handbook Now Available
Advarra has updated its IRB Handbook for Investigators, Institutions, Sponsors, and Sponsors’ Representatives to incorporate...