Luke Gelinas, PhD
Luke Gelinas is the Senior IRB Chair Director at Advarra, where he provides analysis and guidance on complex ethical issues arising in the course of clinical research study design and human participant protection. Previously, Luke led collaborative and multi-stakeholder projects addressing foundational and practical issues in research ethics including social media use, clinical trial priority-setting, and has explored the ethical and regulatory parameters paying research participants. His written work has appeared in leading medical and bioethics journals, and frequently lectures on various issues surrounding research ethics and human participant protection. Luke holds a PhD in Philosophy with a concentration in Ethics from the University of Toronto and an MA in Religion from Yale Divinity School.
Latest Posts by Luke Gelinas

New FDA Certificate of Confidentiality Guidance: What Does it Mean for You?
FDA has recently issued guidance relating to changes for Certificates of Confidentiality (CoCs) brought about...
The Many Faces of “Coercion” and “Undue Influence”
The United States regulations governing research with humans pay special attention to two ethical concepts...
Read More...Patient Engagement and the IRB
Recent years have seen increased efforts to engage with patient and participant communities and include...
Read More...Trial Design in the Time of COVID-19: Complex and Efficient
Complex trial designs can eliminate less-promising investigational treatments quickly to speed development, but they remain...
Read More...Differentiating “Public” and “Private” Internet Spaces in IRB Review
What is the difference between “public” and “private” internet spaces? This question has gained importance...