4 Key Integrations for Your Clinical Trial Management System

By: Ryan Monte, Director of Product Marketing

August 10, 2021

Implementing a clinical trial management system (CTMS) can generate significant improvements to the way your organization understands your research portfolio, manages the financial components of your trials, leverages reporting and analytics, and more. As with many enterprise technology solutions, interfacing with other technology used at your institution further enhances these efficiencies. Below are some key integrations — using systems your institution has likely implemented — your team can use to streamline research operations.

Integration 1: CRPC Billing Grid Interface

Integrated systems: CTMS and EMR
Key staff benefits: Billing team, clinical research staff

The Clinical Research Process Content (CRPC) profile facilitates the complex study billing definitions from a CTMS such as the OnCore Enterprise Research System to an electronic medical record (EMR) system. This integration allows all team members involved in the research and billing processes to leverage the same billing designations, which improves compliance and reduces duplicative processes in your CTMS and EMR systems.

Learn more about leveraging OnCore integrations to improve billing compliance

Integration 2: Subject/Protocol Information Interface (RPE)

Integrated systems: CTMS and EMR
Key staff benefits: Clinical research staff, research operations, billing team

You can also interface with your EMR to exchange subject enrollment status and protocol information, flagging research participants for clinical and billing workflows. This process, which uses the IHE Retrieve Process for Execution (RPE) profile, enhances participant safety and improves staff communication by centralizing vital information across your clinical, operational, and financial teams.

Learn how Atrium Health uses the RPE integration to help ensure patient safety

Integration 3: General Ledger System Interface

Integrated systems: CTMS and general ledger (GL) system (Workday, SAP and Oracle Peoplesoft)
Key staff benefits: Finance, research operations

Integrating a GL system such as the OnCore receivables interface automate two key components of the billing process: sending research activity-related invoices to the GL system and reconciling payment for those activities within the CTMS. This simple workflow eliminates the challenging and time-consuming manual process of managing invoices between the two systems. Your financial teams can see invoice and receipt information in real-time, allowing them to view the financial status of a protocol and act upon information quickly and efficiently.

Integration 4: Electronic Institutional Review Board (eIRB) Interface

Integrated systems: CTMS and eIRB system (ClickIRB, iMedRis, Homegrown Systems)
Key staff benefits: Regulatory staff, research operations

IRB approvals are a common trigger for a variety of tasks within the study activation process. With many institutions continually working to accelerate study activation, automation within this workflow can significantly improve efficiency. Interfacing an eIRB system with your CTMS ensures the IRB status is always up-to-date within both systems. This eliminates the need for regulatory coordinators to enter duplicate data entry, saving time and improving data quality. 

Choosing the Right System for Your Organization

If system integrations are a key priority for your institution, you want to ensure you incorporate those needs into your search for an enterprise system. While many vendors may have technical processes in place for integrating with EMR, GL, and other systems, it’s important to understand what (if any) customers are leveraging those integrations across their research portfolio.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can leverage OnCore or Clinical Conductor (and the integrations mentioned above), contact us to schedule a demo today:

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