We are proud to announce that as of November 7, 2017, Chesapeake Research Review, LLC (“Chesapeake IRB”) and Schulman Associates Institutional Review Board, Inc. (“Schulman IRB”) merged to create Advarra, Inc., the premier provider of IRB, IBC and research compliance services in North America. The new organization will leverage mutual strengths in technology, regulatory expertise and customer service to serve the increasingly complex needs associated with research.
Schulman IRB, by an amendment to its certificate of incorporation through the Ohio Secretary of State dated December 12, 2017, has changed its corporate name to Advarra, Inc. with a principle place of business at 6940 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 110, Columbia MD 21046. The legal entity name change will extend to all Advarra, Inc. affiliates, including Chesapeake Research Review, LLC.
Both Schulman IRB and Chesapeake IRB will retain d/b/a status for an interim period and continue to operate under the current structure. Beginning in January 2018, customers will be contacted to amend and assign contracts as necessary. No action is required from you at this time.
If you have questions about this information, please contact Business Development.