IRB Services Announces Name Change

Aurora, Ontario, April 26, 2018IRB Services, Canada’s largest independent research ethics board (REB), has changed its name to Advarra. The new name reflects the organization’s presence as a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary of Advarra, Inc., the premier provider of IRB, IBC and research quality and compliance consulting services in North America.

Providing human subjects protection oversight in Canada since 1993, Advarra’s dedicated Canadian research ethics boards review all research studies submitted for review in Canada. Advarra’s Canadian and US IRBs continue to work seamlessly together to provide clients with expert and quality oversight.

“The merger of Chesapeake IRB and Schulman IRB to form Advarra provided us with a unique opportunity to unite all of our services into an integrated research compliance solution,” said Jeff Wendel, Director at IRB Services and President and COO at Advarra. “IRB Services has led the way in providing high quality Canadian research review services for over 25 years, and this name change underscores Advarra’s commitment to providing the research community with consistent, comprehensive services.”

Advarra will continue to provide Canadian review services from its Aurora, Ontario, and Montreal, Québec offices. There will be no changes to clients’ regular contacts or business development representatives as a result of the name change. IRB documentation, website content, email addresses and other material will be updated to reflect the name change throughout spring and early summer of 2018.

About Advarra
Advarra, headquartered in Columbia, MD, provides institutional review board (IRB), institutional biosafety committee (IBC) and global research compliance services to clinical trial sponsors, CROs, hospital systems, academic medical centers and investigators. Its robust regulatory expertise and innovative technology ensure the highest standards of research review are met, while putting participants first and meeting complex human research protection oversight requirements. Advarra’s cloud-based submission and review platform, the Center for IRB Intelligence (CIRBI), allows for rapid review turnaround time and document accessibility. Advarra supports all phases of research across multiple therapeutic areas. For more information, visit

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