IRB Advisor Features Advarra Executive James Riddle in Article About Research Post-COVID-19

IRB Advisor interviewed James Riddle, Advarra VP of Institutional Services, for its article “What Happens to Human Research in the New Pandemic Era?”

In the article, Riddle joins other human subject protection experts in considering “how things will look when the COVID-19 pandemic has ended.” These experts agree that many aspects of research and IRB review may be permanently changed due to the pandemic, and virtual modalities like videoconferencing are becoming common practice.

“There’s a transition we’ve been seeing of virtual activities being integrated into clinical trials. Most likely, this crisis will accelerate that process,” said Riddle. He notes that the key to making these changes is documentation.

IRB Advisor is a monthly publication covering current regulatory activities, informed consent, and administrative and management issues, and other topics of interest to human subject protection professionals.

For more on the research impact of COVID-19, visit Advarra’s Coronavirus Guidance webpage.

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